Play EG Go Bowling on Baseball 9

EG Go Bowling

EG Go Bowling

About EG Go Bowling

EG Go Bowling takes you into the role of a professional bowler. The goal is to hit every ball and determine your score. Get ready for an exciting challenge!

The number of pins you can hit determines your score in a bowling game. You will score 10 points plus 3 bonus points on the first throw if you hit all the pins. On the second throw, you will score based on your current pin count. However, if you miss the ball or do not hit all the pins, you will lose one of the three balls.

Tips and Tricks

In EG Go Bowling, you can increase your score by aiming carefully and strategizing. If you are not sure which direction to go, try aiming in the middle. Be sure to keep an eye on the remaining pins and adjust your throw as needed. You can earn bonus points by knocking down all the pins in one throw.

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